Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

Last week, Audrey got her ears pierced!

Waiting to Exhale

I am a somewhat superstitous person. I believe that I can jinx myself out of an awesome opportunity by just becoming too excited and overly optimistic about said opportunity - it's happened before!

Well, for the past month I have been sitting on a giant opportunity! An opportunity for a much higher salary in a different division of the same University. An opportunity to finally use the Master's Degree I worked so hard for and finally earned in December of 2010, yes, a whole year ago! After the first interview, I was cautiously optimistic. I sat on pins and needles for a week and a half waiting for a phone call which finally came at 4pm on a Friday. I hadn't really breathed a word about the job and I felt as though I had been holding my breath. When I saw the phone number come up on my caller ID, I just knew it would be good news - I was a little off. During that phone call I was told that the search committee had selected me, but HR wouldn't allow me to acquire the advertised salary unless the department canceled the original posting and posted the job in a higher pay band. As a fun twist, I would have to apply and interview all over again.

Again, I felt as though I was holding my breath, waiting for the job to be reposted, waiting to be selected for an interview. Last Friday, I went in for my second interview and it went just as well, if not better than the first! I took a deep breath and geared up for another round of the waiting game. Luckily, my references had already been checked and the department was able to offer me the position on Monday morning!

I finally feel like I can breath again. I have been waiting to exhale and I was finally able to do that yesterday. I hadn't jinxed myself! I start my new job on Monday and I couldn't be more thrilled.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me through this job search process over the past year! It has been one of the biggest struggles I have gone through to date. Being rejected over and over again and jobs not panning out... it all has been really tough for me, internally. I usually consider myself pretty resilient, but this had me questioning everything. While it was a great internal struggle some great things did come out of it, I took charge of my fitness and began jogging and I started this blog as an outlet and free therapy! I plan to continue with these two tools and am thankful for some new coping mechanism to help me get through rough times.
