If you told me 5 years ago that I would barely have time to shave my legs, I would be one of those snotty girls that exclaimed, "children and work will never hinder me from maintaining myself! You have to make it a priority!" HA!! I laugh at that girl and implore her to relish her well manintained, silky, smooth stems for the next 4 years. I maintain myself alright, about once a week when I am able to get out of bed the first time the alarm goes off..
Priorities? Let me tell you about my priorities - in no particular order...
- Raising happy, clean, fed, and healthy kids
- Getting enough sleep to make sure I'm only on the brink of insanity at all times
- Being a maverick at work
- Being a healthy momma
- Beng a good wife - shockingly, without shaving my legs!
The clean clothes, make up, and hair are just icing on the cake and part of an illusion to fool you into thinking that I am sooo put together! The biggest thing I have going for me right now is that it is chilly out and therefore, I am able to keep my deep, dark, prickly secret hidden under a pair of wool trousers...