Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - 10 Things I'm Working on Right Now!

Top Ten {Tuesday}

1. My health, isn't everyone? I'm tracking my nutrition and fitness with sparkpeople.com and I'm tracking my steps with a pedometer and I've been jog/walking for about 3 weeks 3x a week and am up to jogging for .75 mile without stopping!

2. Time Management. I could really use say... 32 hours in a day, but that is just not realistic so I'm learning how to better manage my time now that I have two kiddos and a full time job and lots of laundry.

3. Finance management - daycare x 2 = more than my mortgage - my husband and I are trying to figure it all out right now!

4. How to say no.... without feeling guilty....

5. My resume! I've had my Master's Degree since last December and I am still under employed. It is definitely tough out there so I have been working hard to update and network and job search.

6. Maintaining relationships. I apologize on a weekly basis for not returning text messages, calls, or emails to my friends and now I am working on catching up and maintaining all of the great relationships I've built over the years.

7. Having ME Time! I think anyone with children can relate, but even if I get to go to a grocery store by myself, I call it ME time and I may or may not gloat as I walk down the same aisle as a woman who is wrangling her kids.

8. Family Time!

9. Transitioning Audrey from breast milk to formula. She will be 6 months old and my supply isn't keeping up so let the transition begin and let my husband take over a feeding or two :)

10. Being a good person, doing good things, and sending out positive vibes into the universe.

I'm a work in progress!


Samantha said...

I feel the same way on many of those! Except #9 is not applicable right now. Let's get together soon! Playground and walk Friday?

Amy T said...

That sounds AWESOME - I can get off early on Friday too!