Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend of FAIL

WOW. I must have really set myself up for failure with this post because I had an epic weekend of FAIL. If you want to read about puppies and rainbows and frolicking in the fresh fallen leaves, go somewhere else!

On Thursday, I woke up and my brand new iPhone 4s, yes, the one I'm OBSESSED with, did not work. I kept my cool as I reset it several times and nothing happened. I dealt with it nicely when I wasn't able to listen to my workout mix when I went jogging (Yes! I broke my jogging dry spell on Thursday evening!) and I only mildly melted down when I learned that my workout wasn't logged on my mapmyrun app. I think I handled it pretty well when I drove over to Verizon after the kids went to bed on Thursday night and they told me I would need a new phone.

So, Friday I tried to embrace my phoneless self with positive self talk (I learned this in graduate school to help counsel people through situations) like, "it'll be waiting on the doorstep when I get home!" When I finally got home, I was greeted with a fedex note saying they tried to deliver my phone, but no one was there to sign for it. No problem.... I'll just drive on over and pick it up! So I did, it was exciting! The new phone was in my hand, I turned it on to activate and nope, sorry - cannot be activated! WTF!! I decided to sleep on it and hope for the best in the morning, besides, my husband had taken our son to the river for a guys fishing weekend and I had hours of TV/ Chick Flicks to peace... with wine...

On Saturday morning, I woke up and still nothing. It's ok, I'll just take it in to Verizon after Audrey gets up from her morning nap. Maybe they have to activate it for me - no problem. I walk into Verizon and a salesperson holds the door open for me as I push the stroller in. I think positive thoughts as my name is entered and I see I am 8th in line. My mind only wanders to the dark side a couple of times as the minutes tick by, but then there I am, first on the list - I am the next to be helped! It's not even noon yet, I still have the whole day to go about my business! I step up to the counter and am told I cannot be helped, I need to plug my phone into iTunes to activate and that maybe I should wait in line at Apple if I can't figure that out- WTF?!?!?!

Now, my netbook has been dead for about a month because the charger broke and I hadn't had a chance to replace it quite yet. So, in order to get my phone activated via iTunes, I need to purchase a new charger. I go down the street to Target - they don't have it. They send me next door to Office Max, they're sold out! Office Max sends me to Best Buy. Ok, if I have to go to Best Buy, Lord only knows where else I'll have to go, better stop by the house and stock up on formula and diapers. Knowing the diaper bag was waiting on the kitchen table I left Audrey in the running car just outside the door and unhooked my house key, let my self in, grabbed the bag, locked the door behind me and sprinted out to the car.... without my house key... I locked myself out... my husband is out of town...

So long story, the wonderful, friendly Best Buy people magically made my phone work, my parents provided food and shelter, my husband cut his trip short and Vincent came home with a stomach bug.... FML

Let's hope all this bad luck/ FAIL Storm is setting me up for some good luck later in this week.... there's that positive self talk again :)

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